Wentworth in edicola

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  1. lellina*

    User deleted

    mamma miaaa!!!!
    Went + Armani : che alchimia, che combinazione fantastica ...

    devo assolutamente correre in edicola :asd:

    Nell'ultima foto col pelazzo in vista,è qualcosa di indescrivibile tanto è figo... un altro nostro sogno s'è avverato,evvai,grazie Giorgio!!!!!!!

  2. MISA**

    User deleted

    Company magazine maggio 09


    fonte excom
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    intervista audio

    Q: What made you decide to become an actor, and not any other career?

    Acting was my childhood dream. I did a little play in the kindergar?en. It was a dinnasour play for school, and I just picked up on a very special relationship between the performer and the audience. Something very intimate about that experience. And it gave you a kind of buzz, a kind of high, and that I hadn't been able to find anywhere else, so I'd always wanted to be an actor, but in college, I went to very good school. It was very conservative, and I moved away from those dreams, because they suddenly seemed to be unrealistic, because I knew how?hard it was to make it in that particular business.?But after graduating, I moved out to Los Angeles, to work in Tv and movies, because I still loved entertainment. But I thought I would work behind the scenes, in development, maybe as a producer, and it wasn't long before I went on my first audition.

    Q: At the press conference yesterday, you said you were a well-planned, research-a-lot-kind-of-guy like Mike Schofield,?when you sort of get a job, but how did you carry out the research for this part in Prison Break?

    It's funny you asked because I didn't have time for the research. I didn't have time for preparation. I got the script on Friday, I did an audition on Monday, I had my call back on Tuesday, and I had my part Tuesday night, and we're filming on the next week. I was actually the very last person to audition for Micheal Schofield. So, there was really no time to get a hand on the character in the way that I usually like to prepare. Suddenly I was in Chicago, filming in a real prison, in the middle of December, so was zero degree outside.

    And it was as though everything had been turning up side down. But that worked my advantage because that's exactly my character's experience in the pilot. So my own experience on shooting the show, mirrored my character's journey, pretty much exactly. So I was able to put everything that I was feeling and thinking into the world.

    fonte excomm

    ma che bella foto :wub:

    è stato l'ultmo candidato per la parte di Scofield ed è stato preso :*_*:
  4. wmiclaudia

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (fio-fio85 @ 24/4/2009, 14:16)

    E vabbè ma sta foto stimola pensieri perversi... :shifty:
  5. Giuliettonzola

    User deleted

    bella la foto appoggiato alla finestra :shifty:
    nell'intervista comuqnue non dice nulla di nuovo. Diventare attore era il suo sogno fin da bambino qunado all'asilo fece la recita vestito da dinosauro! poi che crescendo credeva fosse un'idea poco realistica ma poi s'è trasferito a LA lavorando nel dietro le quinte per poi iniziare a fare provini per stare davanti alle quinte...qhm si cioè davanti alla telecamera ;)

    poi l'altra domanda è riguardo al fatto che è stato scelto per la parte di scofield all'ultimo minuto e cose simili ;)

    CITAZIONE (wmiclaudia @ 24/4/2009, 14:39)
    CITAZIONE (fio-fio85 @ 24/4/2009, 14:16)

    E vabbè ma sta foto stimola pensieri perversi... :shifty:

    a me ha fatto venire in mente la canzone di elio e le storie tese "fossi figo" :XD: fossi figo starei ignudo alla finestra (cit.) che in realtà è un pensiero perverso :lol: :blush:
  6.     Like  



    CITAZIONE (Giuliettonzola @ 24/4/2009, 14:44)
    CITAZIONE (wmiclaudia @ 24/4/2009, 14:39)
    E vabbè ma sta foto stimola pensieri perversi... :shifty:

    a me ha fatto venire in mente la canzone di elio e le storie tese "fossi figo" :XD: fossi figo starei ignudo alla finestra (cit.) che in realtà è un pensiero perverso :lol: :blush:

    :lol: non è che Went può dare ascolto a Elio? :unsure: :XD:
    è inutile, muri, finestre e sedie ispirano :asd:
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    altra rivista
    fonte excomm

    la copertina mi sembra di averla già vista :uhm:
  8. .London.

    User deleted

    che bella la foto all finestra mi gusta molto :B): è vestito carino e poi i colori della foto sono belli e appare anche naturale!
    la copertina di safari si l'avevamo già vista solo che appunto avevamo visto quella senza l'altricolo,ma tanto il cinese non lo comprendo quindi :XD:

    grazie girls! ^_^
  9. MISA**

    User deleted

    è stato l'ultmo candidato per la parte di Scofield ed è stato preso :*_*:

    Su GQ Style c'è scritto che pensavano inizialmente di dare la parte a Bruce Willis, io credo che la Fox abbia vinto la lotteria quando ha scelto Wentworth per quella parte, credo che gran parte del successo avuto da PB sia proprio dovuto dalla presenza di Miller, che ha saputo rendere il personaggio di Michael così unico.

    Grazie Fio per gli articoli.

    Un'altra intervista giapponese su Yomiury Online

    Le foto dell'articolo


    fonte excomm

  10. Giuliettonzola

    User deleted

    foto by Matthias Vriens su GQ, senza etichette ^_^


    credit: blackangel41999 at The fashion spot forum
  11. samy_antha

    User deleted

    Finalmente ho la mia copia di GQ style.....solo la copertina mi fa star male :wub: :wub: :wub:
  12.     Like  



    nuovo articolo ma nulla di nuovo!
    ??Wentworth Miller is an overnight success ten years in the making. The Ivy League scholar paid his dues with bit parts including a student-turned-sea monster in Buffy The Vampire Slayer before landing his big break playing the young Anthony Hopkins in The Human Stain. However, it was his role as brooding jailbird Michael Scofield in Prison Break that catapulted him firmly on to the TV A-list. As the US drama returns for a fourth season last week, we serve up a few tantalising titbits about the man behind the tattoos.

    1. Wentworth was born in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, but his family moved to Brooklyn when he was just one year old.

    2. Wentworth's ancestry is complicated enough to put even Johnny Depp to shame - his mum is Russian, French, Syrian, Lebanese and Dutch, while his dad is African-American, Jamaican, English, German and Cherokee.

    3. Speaking of ancestry, Wentworth is determined to keep the family name going strong. He is Wentworth Miller III and his dad is Wentworth Miller II, so no prizes for guessing the name he's picked out for his future offspring.

    4. Wentworth is every bit as brainy as his TV alter ego. He studied English literature at Princeton University, where he was apparently nicknamed "Stinky" because of his sarcastic attitude towards his friends. Charming!

    5. When not burying his nose in a book, Wentworth sang baritone in the internationally-known all-male a cappella group Princeton Tigertones, who busked through Europe and the Middle East every summer.

    6. Wentworth worked as a temp for studios, agencies and production companies before landing a role in The Human Stain. He recalls: "There were some lean years. I remember going through my CDs figuring out what I was willing to hock because I needed an extra $15 to make rent."

    7. Wentworth confesses that he receives some eye-popping fan mail but is not always able to write back. "The mail amazes me," he says. "I sometimes get these letters that are ten pages, and handwritten, from women pouring their hearts out and, for security reasons, I can only respond with a headshot and 'Dear so and so, be good. WM.' It never feels like enough."

    8. Wentworth claims to be "deathly allergic" to cats - and that's not all. He explains: "Unfortunately, I'm allergic to all animals and even some people. There was a scene where I had to give Dominic Purcell a hug - you know, a touching embrace between the brothers - and at the end of the night I had a rash on my neck. I got a lot of teasing on that."

    9. Wentworth has made no secret of the fact that he wants a wife and kids, contrary to those rumours about his sexuality. But what is the most romantic gesture he has ever made? He reveals: "This one time I had a girlfriend that was out of the country a lot. So I gave her a watch and set it to ‘my time’ so wherever we were, we’d always be on the same time. I thought that was pretty romantic." Aww, how sweet!

    10. Wentworth fancies trying his hand at a Superman villain after unsuccessfully auditioning to play the Man of Steel himself in the past. He says: "I'd definitely love a crack at General Zod. So I'm hoping that Bryan Singer makes a sequel to the Superman that's coming out and casts me." Since a sequel was confirmed earlier this year, we're keeping our fingers crossed!

  13. simo2

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    CITAZIONE (fio-fio85 @ 29/4/2009, 20:01)
    nuovo articolo ma nulla di nuovo!
    8. Wentworth claims to be "deathly allergic" to cats - and that's not all. He explains: "Unfortunately, I'm allergic to all animals and even some people. There was a scene where I had to give Dominic Purcell a hug - you know, a touching embrace between the brothers - and at the end of the night I had a rash on my neck. I got a lot of teasing on that."


    :huh: ma dirà sul serio?! Se è così sai quanti sfoghi allergici con tutti gli abbracci che le fans gli chiedono!!! Magari gli è venuta l'orticaria anche quando l'ho abbracciato io!!!! ....Scusa Went !! :lmafao: Ma se ti rivedo ti abbraccio ancora!
  14. dana81_sd

    User deleted

    Oddio che ridere ... a me mooooooolte persone mi danno l'orticaria ..... altro punto in comune!
  15. .London.

    User deleted

    davvero poverino! queste cose sono troppo fastidiose! poi stando a contatto con tante persone non vorrei essere al suo posto! :lol:
    la storia dell'orologio :wub:,me l'ero quasi dimenticata,che carino che è!

    ..il GQ Style io ho girato 8 edicole e nessuno aveva quello con went avevano vari ma quello no... :sob: quante altre ne dovrò girare mi chiedo?!!
811 replies since 1/5/2008, 16:40   13574 views