Went in Law & Order SVU

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  1. MISA**

    User deleted

    E per festeggiare bene il ferragosto ecco un nuovo video di L&O svu :D

    fonte excomm
  2. balumina

    User deleted

    che dire... sembra un personaggio determinato questo investigatore
    leggermente scofield, ma mi sa che ormai quello lo vedremo sempre, in percentuale variabile, ma ci sarà in moltie parti che farà Went :D

    nel filmato con i fan invece mi sembra un pò strano, boh come girato di scatole...non con i fan ma proprio lui
    non mi convince del tutto ecco, mi sembra un pò spento :dunno:
    mah sarà una mia impressione, sarà che sono un pò malinconica anch'io

    dimenticavo...grazie misotta per le news :wub:
  3. MISA**

    User deleted

    Grazie Fio..... speriamo di avere così nuove foto!!!!!

    Per ora pochi secondi su questo promo di L&O SVU

    ecco la screencap del alltimo in cui appare


    fonte excom
  4. monyx07

    User deleted

    Sembra tratta dal catalogo del marchio cinese new city!!!!
    Mi mancava il suo sorriso...
  5. dana81_sd

    User deleted

    Grazie Misotta!! Bello lui!!!!!!! :wub:
  6. fio-fio85

    User deleted

    che sorrisino :*_*:
  7. .London.

    User deleted

    ah finalmente almeno speriamo in qualcosa :woot:
    è troppo carino in quel pezzo,con il sorrisiono da furbetto :wub:
    grazie ragazze per le news!
  8. MISA**

    User deleted

    Altro video da L&O SVU - Bad Went :o: :D

    fonte excomm

    trascrizione del video!!!! A me è stato ultile!!!! :D
    Scene fades in from black with the voice of Nate Kendal (Wentworth Miller), in the back of a police car.

    Kendal: “Let's face it. You are not the type to off yourself. Don’t know why, since you’re just a waste of skin. (we see him pointing a gun at someone) A lousy puss sack , so you know it’s coming. What I can’t figure is why the hell you’re crying about it. (We see Kendal has the gun in the “lousy puss sack’s” mouth)

    The man, grimacing, makes a slight noise and we hear a knock on the door and someone says, “You got (?) waiting. SO quit playing with this douche.” Kendal pulls the gun out of the guy's mouth and the man is relieved.

    Later, outside the police car, the police sargeant asks “What’s that smell?” and Kendal answers “Suspect vacated his bowels, Sarge. Couldn’t be helped.” As Kendal walks off, ME Warner walks up and Kendal asks “What you got? “

    ME Warner: “COD is blunt force trauma.”

    Kendal “ It's what happens when a methhead mistakes a three month old for a basketball."

    Warner: “ The girlfriend claims it wasn’t her fault.”

    Kendal: “Soon as I get a warrant for blood I’ll be charging her ass too.” He sees a woman with a sheet wrapped around her body running across the street . To Warner: “ Call a bus.“ He runs after her and catches up with her.

    Woman, screaming, “Let me go!"

    Kendal: ”Nate Kendal, I’m a cop.” (shows his badge)

    Woman: “He raped me. He raped me!”

    Kendal: “Let’s get you some help.”

    Woman: “ Help me please help me don’t leave me, please (etc.)” (She grabs on to him and sobs.)

    Later, at a hospital, an elevator door is opening and Benson and Stabler step out.

    Kendal “You SVU?”

    Stabler: “Stabler, Benson.”

    Kendal: “Nate Kendal, the 2-4. The victim ran into my crime scene."

    Stabler: “You get any info from her?"

    Kendal: “Reena West, 35, raped in her apartment. Superficial knife wounds and wrist restraints, doc says no semen but evidence of tearing, everything was bagged, tagged, and sent to foresnics.”

    Benson: “ Great. We’ll take it from here.”

    Benson and Stabler walk in to her room. Stabler: “Miss West?”

    West: “Don’t come near me. Get out.”

    Stabler” “We’re sex crimes detectives (shows his badge). We just wanna hear what happened..”

    West, rattled: “I can’t. No no not again, where’s Nate? He was there. I already told him. No I can’t do this!”

    Benson: “Calm down. Listen to me, we’re here to help you. (West runs to the window and grabs at the blinds). “Reena, Reena, Reena you’re safe now, okay? (moves to her) Try and take a deep breath…”
    West: slapping Benson: NO! Don’t touch me! Never touch me! (Benson reels away, hoding her cheek.)

    West, sobbing “Ohhh, where’s Nate? (slides to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably) Nate! Where are you?” (Benson and Stabler look on)

    Fonte excomm

    Edited by MISA** - 3/9/2009, 17:05
  9. MISA**

    User deleted

    Posto questo link qui, ma se sono nel posto sbagliato spostate pure!!!

    Non so se è vero, però sembra essere il più vero fra tutti i vari profili di Went visti in giro su facebook, twitter etc....


    settembre 3, 2009 - giovedì
    A General Note
    Dear Friends,

    It's come to my attention that there's a fair amount of online activity happening under my name.

    I'd like to clarify - for those who might be interested - that, with the exception of this one post, I am not online.

    So if you're someone who's been following "Wentworth Miller" or corresponding with "Wentworth Miller" on Myspace or Twitter or Facebook etc., please remember that those accounts are not affiliated with me in any way, and that they should be considered nothing more than what they are - a source of entertainment.

    If the day comes when I do decide to create an online presence, I'll be sure to make a point of saying so in an on-camera interview.

    Meanwhile, please be advised that this page will not be monitored, managed or updated following this post. This is not a fansite, and any comments left will not be read by me.

    But you are more than welcome to link to this page.

    On a different note, if anyone is looking for a current mailing address, it is as follows:

    Wentworth Miller
    c/o ICM
    10250 Constellation Blvd, 9th Floor
    Los Angeles, CA 90067

    After the 1st of October, 2009, mail sent to any other address will not receive a response.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    Best wishes and "be good."

    Yours sincerely,

    Wentworth Miller

    fonte excomm
  10. simo2

    User deleted

    ...Cioè...fatemi capire....vuol dire , tra le altre cose, che l'indirizzo scritto qui sopra è quello che lo stesso Went ci sta dando per potergli scrivere ricevendo da lui una risposta??? Mi sento svenire alla sola idea!!
  11. MISA**

    User deleted

    Sembrerebbe di si Simo!!!

    E' molto simile a quello postato un pò di tempo fa.

  12. MISA**

    User deleted

    Nuove foto da L& O svu


    fonte Excomm
  13. Simy1519

    User deleted

    Grazie Anto!
  14. <--Lonely-->

    User deleted

    wow che goduria! :wub:
  15. samy_antha

    User deleted

    Dopo tanto tempo di astinenza, vedere queste foto è uno :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud:
129 replies since 30/6/2009, 14:28   1697 views