Topic Speciale: Went in Cina "2"

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  1. Giuliettonzola

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    nun me piace...povero Went, speriamo che almeno lo abbiano pagato bene per fare sta cosa! :omg:

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    560.000 € dici che possono bastare?
  3. squintervill

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    Non sapevo dove metterlo ma dato che parla dell’ultimo viaggio in Cina, qui mi sembrava il posto più adatto.
    Se così non fosse, spostate pure.

    Ecco un riassunto dei post di una ragazza (Charlie) che su JJ sostiene di aver incontrato Wentworth in Cina.
    Questo è il link dove si trovano tutti i commenti:

    Sarà vero??? :dunno:

    He was in hongkong. I met him at the airport - i was on another plane that arrived at the same time. He was with another guy, and there was no fanfare, nothing, nobody at the airport even recognised him. I was surprised to see him there though.
    And then i was doubly surprised to see him again in the hotel! I had checked in, and ordered room service. When I went to put the tray outside my door after I ate, I saw him walking towards me in the hallway, only to turn and go into the room next to mine! I was in my bathrobe, so I quickly shut the door! I guess he was my neighbour, but didn’t see him the rest of the night. But today morning (very early in the morning) on the way to the gym, I saw him and the other guy from the airport and the porter sorting out the bags so I knew he was leaving.
    Had no idea he went to China.
    I just saw the photos from poster 192, yes that was what I saw him wearing this morning when he was sorting out the bags.

    PS - I am a girl by the way. Just thought i’d better say that, or you’d be wondering why i was so shy being in a flimsy bathrobe infront of Wentworth earlier.

    Hi it’s me again, with some surprising news. Forgive the tardiness, but I’ve been travelling. Guess what? Last friday, whom do you think returned to my hotel? I came back exhausted from a meeting, turned the corner to my room, saw Wentworth and the same male friend as before, and another girl standing by the room next to me, and for a second I stopped because it was all terribly deja-vu to me, for a second I really thought I was caught in some groundhog day. Didn’t I already live this day, in a bathrobe, with wentworth standing right there? It took me a couple of seconds to shake the deja vu, and chide myself because there is no such thing as groundhog day! So, anyway, as I walked by, the 3 of them looked up, I said “Hi, didn’t I see you here a few days ago?”. The other guy said “Oh yeah”, and then pointing to Wentworth he said “he was going to china, we were just passing through”. I then looked perplexed because i don’t know anyone who is able to tour china in 3 days, not even superman! Wentworth must’ve seen my confused expression and he said “It was for work”. Honestly, I still don’t understand how anyone can FILM anything in 3 days (he’s an actor, isn’t he?), but what do I know. I just smiled, nodded, told them to have a nice day, said bye and went into my room.
    I guess Wentworth so enjoyed sleeping next to me, that he had to return for seconds, don’cha think? Okay, lame joke, forgive me.
    That night I was going out to dinner, and the other guy was waiting for the elevator, so we got to talking, his name is Pete he said. I guess he’s an actor too, but I just couldn’t place him, and I didn’t want to embarrass him by asking him what show or movie he’s been on, so if anyone knows please tell me. I guess you guys are fans of this Pete too, so I’ll just say it, he was very nice and friendly. We chatted for a bit in the ride down in the elevator, we talked about Hong Kong, he said it’s modern, he said he’s getting over the jetlag, he asked me a bit about myself and that was about it. I walked out of the hotel with Pete, because i was meeting a client for dinner at the entrance, and I saw Wentworth and a couple of ladies there, and Wentworth waved to me, and then they all got into a cab and went to dinner. Pete said they were missing burgers, so I am assuming they went to some american restaurant, but am not sure.
    Wentworth must like speed touring or something, because the next day when i was at the front desk settling my bill and getting ready to leave for the airport, they were checking out of the hotel too! I almost didn’t see them because there were quite a few people at the front desk. Then i heard someone say “leaving too?”, i looked up and it was wentworth. My gosh, how come I’ve never noticed how turqoise his eyes are? I must have a crappy tv set, or maybe he uses contacts on screen. Anyway, we chatted a bit, and he said they were leaving for LA. There was this weird noise in my room that night, like wind in the pipes, and i thought it was just me, but he asked me about it too, he said he’s a light sleeper when he travels and that sound kept him up. (It didn’t bother me, i slept like a log) Maybe eerie, scary noises frighten him? I wonder why he didn’t just change rooms? Told you, he likes sleeping next to me - okay, just kidding, maybe he was too scared to leave his room, lmao! Anyway, my driver had arrived and so i had to cut my chat short, wished him well and i left.
    By the way, Wentworth is a whole lot bigger in person, from what i remember from prison break (i only watch intermittently), he’s very tall (I’m guessing 6′2″), he’s not fat, but he’s not exactly slim either, he’s a little fleshy, maybe some holiday weight kinda thing. I definitely spotted a double chin. Don’t kill me, but I think he looks better on the show than in person. Or maybe it was him not looking his best because of not sleeping due to the scary noises, lmao!
    I saw Wentworth, Pete and the couple of other ladies at immigration too, but they were too far away, but Wentworth waved, and so did Pete, and then they went one way and i went another. So, does anyone know where Pete acts?
    Oops, I talked too much about Pete, and forgot to add this bit …. before my driver arrived, I mentioned that I have a week off (this week) before I resume my work, and Wentworth said that he didn’t have any time off and had to work on Monday (the 23rd), but he said he was expecting it to be a short day. Before i could ask him if his work day was short due to his character being killed, my driver arrived. So again, if anyone knows, please tell me. Does michael scofield die? Is that why monday was “expected” to be a short day?
    Oh Pete is his manager? Oh dayum, I thought he was an actor too!

    And that’s funny being called a liar. LMAO! I am not a fan of Prison Break, and I’m not a fan of Wentworth Miller, I actually found Pete a lot more interesting to tell you the truth, so you can understand why it’s so funny that people think i would make this up. I wouldn’t know that Prison Break’s finished filming, because I only watch it if i happen to tune in sorta thing. Not a fan.

    And what’s funnier is that I don’t think Wentworth knew that I knew he was an actor, he used the word “work”, and didn’t mention anything about the show or acting or any of that. Neither did Pete. They both seemed very down to earth, and they probably don’t assume everyone knows who they are. (So it’s rather hilarious that you are assuming that I should know details about him or the show :))

    Mandy, ~~~you think he “waved and talked to me many times”? Wentworth waved to me twice, and spoke to me only ONCE (at the front desk). The first day, he said all of 5 words to me “It was for work”, and “bye”, lmao! That’s not talking, I say more than that to strangers, LOL! I spoke more to Pete by the way. For the record, I don’t know anything about Wentworth or Prison Break, I was just one lucky girl to be in the right hotel, at the right time.

    Hi joslin, yes pete was more talkative, but then I had more time with him - a full elevator journey! LOL! With Wentworth, I only had a very short while, before my driver showed up.
    (PS - I don’t really understand what you said about using Went as a weapon, lmao! And no I have no reason to make things up.)

    Fonte: Excomm e JustJared

    P.S.: € 560.000 image ‘orca paletta!!!!
  4. balumina

    User deleted

    :uhm: credere o non credere...
    come racconto è abbastanza credibile e non ci rivela niente di più di quel che sappiamo già di Went, gentile, educato, senza manie di notorietà ecc
    però 1 parte di me si chiede perchè 1 persona che non è fan nè del telefilm nè del personaggio, vada a raccontare l'incontro :dunno:
    praticamente in 1 forum di fans, anche se JJ non lo è proprio, e senza neanche 1 foto, ci poteva pensare che non le avrebbero creduto :asd: anche se in fondo non è che dica granchè.
    ci sarebbe giusto questo Pete che sbuca fuori dal nulla...voi sapete niente :?:

    la foto pubblicitaria è bruttissima, ha ragione Samy sembra di cartone! :lol:
  5. squintervill

    User deleted

    Pete dovrebbe essere Peter Kiernan il suo manager.
  6. Giuliettonzola

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    CITAZIONE (fio-fio85 @ 27/3/2009, 14:07)
    560.000 € dici che possono bastare?

    ma è una cifra a caso o l'hai letto da qualche parte? :huh:

    beh sono bei soldini direi... :XD:
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    4. his gain for the commercial is more than 5,000,000 RMB.

    l'avevo letto su excomm, 5,000,000 RMB corrispondo circa a 560.000 € ;)

  8. Simy1519

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    La foto promozionale non piace neanche a me! :XD:
    Ma urca 560.000 €!Davvero!!!
  9. Giuliettonzola

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    CITAZIONE (fio-fio85 @ 27/3/2009, 17:26)
    4. his gain for the commercial is more than 5,000,000 RMB.

    l'avevo letto su excomm, 5,000,000 RMB corrispondo circa a 560.000 € ;)

    CASPITERINA! Allora penso che la foto cartonanto ci possa stare! :XD:

    Certo speriamo che oltre a tutte ste pubblicità in Cina ci sia anche qualche altro progetto più importante dal punto di vista artistico sia in Cina o in USa o altro... :P
  10. monyx07

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    Wentuccio batte cassa XD!
  11. simo2

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    :ooo: scusate io sono tramortita altro che dalla cifra, ma dal racconto di questa tizia che mi incontra Went casualmente per ben 3 VOLTE!?! Ho capito bene? all'aeroporto, in hotel e poi ancora in hotel dopo 3 giorni...e dorme pure nella STANZA AFFIANCO ... :thud:
    :sob: :sob: l'ho sempre detto, non c'è giustizia a questo mondo!!
  12. samy_antha

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    Se questa donna avesse incontrato sul serio per ben tre volte Went.....bè, è davvero fortunata o sfortunata visto che di lui non gli frega niente XD
  13. .London.

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    diciamo che può essere vero,perchè almeno io se non vedo telefilm e non so nemmeno che lavoro fa went,non mi passerebbe manco per la mente di inventare di averlo visto per 3 volte!

    CITAZIONE (balumina @ 27/3/2009, 15:24)
    però 1 parte di me si chiede perchè 1 persona che non è fan nè del telefilm nè del personaggio, vada a raccontare l'incontro :dunno:

    mi sono chiesta questa cosa anche io :lol: e mi sono risposta che forse l'ha raccontanto solo perchè è una cosa talmente bizzarra che lo incontra lei di cui non frega nulla piuttosto che altre che ha voluto raccontarlo così giusto perchè sa che questa persona ha delle fans!

    penso che a questa persona sia successo quello che lei stessa ha definito "trovarsi nel momento giusto al posto giusto" e a questo posso anche credere,nella vita quante cose succedono che mai ci immagineremo di fare?!
    diciamo che è stata molto fortunata purtroppo queste cose non succedono mai alle persone magari veramente interessate a lui,quante ragazze sopratutto quelle cinesi che si trovavano lì avrebbero voluto essere al suo posto! ma è sempre tutto imprevedibile purtroppo! :wall:
    dice anche che pete secondo lei è più interessante di went..bhè direi grazie hai parlato molto di più con pete che con went è logico che se non ci parli per bene non ti risulta interessante quanto invece in realtà è,sopratutto se non hai mai avuto il piacere di leggere sue interviste di vederlo in tv ecc. però ha notato il doppio mento :unsure: della serie che io forse avrei notato tutto tranne quello!!
    in un punto dice una cosa carina,l'unica che mi ha colpito di questo racconto...dice che went sicuramente pensava che lei sapeva chi fosse e quando lei ha chiesto il motivo perchè era in cina lui risponde "per lavoro",penso che con questa frase abbia voluto far capire quanto sia una persona estremamente con i piedi per terra,e che se fosse stato un altro poteva dire "per uno spot pubblicitario" o cose simili..quindi potrebbe essere credibile come cosa,dal tronde sappiamo che went è così!

    comunque sia che dire,beata lei e come direbbe un mio amico "il mondo gira proprio al contrario" ^_^

    CITAZIONE (fio-fio85 @ 27/3/2009, 17:26)
    5,000,000 RMB corrispondo circa a 560.000 € ;)

    :ooo: è una cifra esorbitante! appena l'ho letto sono rimasta a riletterci per tipo 1 minuto :XD: sarà che per una comune mortale come me sono una somma impossibile :XD:
    direi che la cina lo tratta proprio bene,e se viene pagato così per uno spot pubblicitario di una macchina non voglio immaginare per un intero film!
  14. Jackie sparrow 93

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    CITAZIONE (monyx07 @ 27/3/2009, 18:36)
    Wentuccio batte cassa XD!

    è vero ma considerate le cifre che pagano si direbbe quasi una miseria la sua,se pensiamo a Jonny Depp che per girare pirati 4 prenderà 40 milioni di euro!
    Comunque a me la foto piace parecchio :wub:
  15. Giuliettonzola

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    Beh c'è da considerare la crisi che ha colpito il settore delle automobili, ma si vede che han soldi da spendere in Cina e che le auto almeno là le vendono ancora :XD:
138 replies since 16/3/2009, 09:14   2822 views