
wentavvistamenti e paparazzate

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  1. simo2

    User deleted

    :clap: che servizio fotografico! e bravo sto fotografo! ci ha deliziato ben bene! Che faccina serena che ha Went :wub:
    Grazie Misotta!
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    riporta qualche foto...
    ma come è serio in queste...


    Mary non capisco neanche io se è un riflesso o se è sporca... :uhm: sono più propensa per lo sporco solo perchè mi immagino il Miller che la lava :XD:

    e queste scarpette da dove escono?
  3. Giuliettonzola

    User deleted

    oh ma che bellino in queste foto :*_*:
  4. samy_antha

    User deleted

    Ray-Ban :*_*: :*_*: :*_*: :*_*: :*_*: :*_*:
    Io propendo per la macchina sporca :XD: :XD:
  5. balumina

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (lost1979 @ 14/4/2009, 11:42)
    E poi... è un riflesso ho ha la macchina sporca?!? :XD: Miller se vuoi te la lavo io la macchina!! :lol:

    :naughty: c'ho pensato anche io...ovviamente in versione hot con tanto di maglietta striminzita e bagnata :P :XD:
  6. nottestellata81

    User deleted

    ..o per la peppa che bello...e' vivo !!! :lol:

    ..certo quanto mi fa strano vederlo col capello cosi' lungo e canuto..e' bellissimo e riservatissimo come sempre..adorabile!! :wub:

    ..poi vabbe' penso sempre che ho preso questo diploma da estetista, che so fare dei fantastici che sto nella citta' e nello stato sbagliato!!! :wall:

    EDIT: la macchina senbra impolveratissima, ed essendo oltretutto di colre nero tende a rigarsi tantissimo, e si vede soprattutto in controluce... :o:
    ..pero' ce le vedo Balu e Lucia a lavare l'auto a Went... :asd: ( piacerebbe..!!)
  7. granmogol

    User deleted

    sempre bello e semplice,bravo Went!!!
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    Wentworth a quitté Los Angeles il y a quelques heures pour ce rendre de nouveau en Chine.

    Il est devenu le nouveau porte parole de la célèbre marque de voiture Chevrolet. Il prête ses talents d'acteur pour promouvoir la nouvelle Chevrolet Cruze qui devrait voir le jour au mois d'avril 2009. C'est pour cela qu'il se dirige vers Shanghai afin d'assister à la soirée d'inauguration "Chevy Night" le 19 avril 2009.

    Mister Miller devrait poser pour le magazine "For Him Magazine" et participer à un talk Show chinois "Yong Le Hui" le 20 avril 2009 à Pékin.

    Il a donc un programme très chargé !

    Son avion devrai atterrir samedi 18 avril à 10:30am soit à 4:30am heure française. Son retour aux Etats-Unis est prévu le 22 avril 2009.

    Des fans allemandes qui passes leurs vacances à Los Angeles, on eu la bonne idée d'aller attendre Went à LAX. Elles ont donc eux la chance de le rencontrer et de prendre quelques photos :


    Leurs Wencounter :

    "OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! It all happened so fast… I can’t even talk right now, let alone writing. I don’t know how many times we up and down the airport... felt like a billion times! Why on earth do there have to be 3 entrances?! Anyway, Miss "Eeagly Eye" goska spotted him as he entered the terminal... OMG! I still can’t believe it!!! We were thunderstruck... he walked past us and we couldn’t say anything... at first. I then tapped him on his shoulder and said "Hi! *biggrin* "Can we take a picture with you?" *evenbiggergrin*
    He looked at me (through his sun-glasses) and said in his deep, husky (and sleepy) voice: “Yeah, … umm, but really quick!” OMG. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same.... jeeeeeeeezzzzz. I need another Miller fix, aaaah!!!"

    ma che capelli si è fatto? :wub:

    attendo con ansia foto e notizie dalla Cina!
  9. samy_antha

    User deleted

    Io l'ho sempre pensato che all'aeroporto si fanno gli incontri migliori :B): :B):
  10. .London.

    User deleted

    ma che capelli c'ha :lmafao:
    non so perchè ma mi viene da ridere :wub: comunque queste ragazze hanno fatto la cosa migliore andando ad aspettarlo all'aereoporto! certo non c'era molto tempo però meglio di niente gli ha anche "ho avvolto le mie braccia intorno a lui e lui ha fatto lo stesso" direi che questo è l'essenziale,poi anche se c'era poco tempo come sempre ha concesso la foto :lol:

    poi dice che dovrebbe posare per un megazine e non vedo l'ora speriamo le foto siano belle,e son curiosa anche di vederlo nello show cinese!!

    grazie fio!!
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    si ma i capelli son veramente strani :XD:
  12. wmiclaudia

    User deleted

    :XD: :XD: :XD:
  13. gaiuzzi

    User deleted

    OMG!! con quei capelli Miller nn ci stai bene!!! :nono:
    su su ci vuole di nuovo il taglio alla Scofield... :XD:
    tutta colpa dei cinesi.... -_-
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    il resoconto completo di una delle ragazze
    Report #1 by Goska:

    I still can not believe it and that despite the fact that I have met him before. We really did meet him, we talked to him and we touched him. *shrieks*

    But let me break it down for you from the beginning:

    Shari and I hit the road leading to LAX around half past seven pm. And we somehow managed to somehow find our way with the help of the navigation system and the street signs. While I almost peed my pants – yes I was that excited – Shari could barely keep the car on the road! But we made it... oh yah, do I need to mention that on the way we constantly kept asking ourselves "What the heck are we doing?" "Are we really missing that baseball game just to go to the airport?" "Are we totally insane?"!!!

    After we finally were at the right terminal (and had found a parking lot) we found ourselves in the biggest ever entrance hall. There were like 3 seperate corridors from which you could not see what was happening at the two other ones. Oh, and did I mention the terminal had 3 entrances? And 2 accesses to the gates?

    We had abandoned almost all of our hopes… How could you find someone within this huge crush of people? Would he be going to check-in directly? Would he be alone or with that special someone (who we all know as "Uschi")?

    Those questions surely didn’t help to get our hopes up, thought we didn’t give in just yet. Over and over again we walked the terminal, looking all over. And any tiny resemblance made my heart stop beating. But most of these "Went" guys were way beyond their sixties, wore a light blue shirt or didn't had the characteristic hair cut.

    As we made our billionth round (at that point I was actually wondering why we weren't already pinned to the floor and cuffed; on the assumption of us being terrorists) a orange-looking shirt caught my eye.

    And it only took a brief moment for me to realize that is was him - before my brain shut down! And then there was only the female instinct to get to him!

    I said to Shari: "JEEEZ, there he is!"

    Shari: “Where?”

    I didn’t even bother to answer, panicking as he was headed right, towards the gates! NOOO, someone stop him!!!

    So, I made my way past all the Asian people with their luggage, stumbling, only to realize he was walking towards us and not the gates!

    So, there we were, bit unsure, puzzled while Went walked past us. We turned around and then Shari tapped on his shoulder

    He turned around, a smile flitted across his face (well, Shari’s pretty ) and then this heaven-sent being talks to us: „Hi!“

    I guess we looked like some lovestoned teenagers when we smiled back and said „Hi!“ to him.

    Shari’s completely in her element and asks if we could take a picture with him. He looks at us dozily and replies with a very, very, very husky voice: "Yeah, uhmm but really quick!"

    Shari bumps into his arms, I am taking a picture. I couldn’t think straight and just walked up to him.

    But, where do I put my arm again? On top of his shoulder or around his waist? I choose for the upper body part and *wrroooms* our arms bang into one another. So we had to readjust our positions and I then opted for the lower body part

    Well then, he left as quick as he had come. He said “Take care, bye!” and was gone headed for check-in.

    I quickly manage to say “Thank you, have a safe flight! Bye” and then it was paparazzi time for me so I grabbed Shari’s camera.

    11 months? Can you believe it that I waited 11 months to get my picture with Went? Well, anyway… he was still in sight so we tried to take pictures but unfortunately they didn’t turn out great, are either blurry or too dark ?

    Meanwhile, Went had to pose for some more pictures with fans and he changed his Ray Bans for the famous fishing hat. He looked so cute with it! Five minutes later he walked passed us accompanied by a stewardess, but he didn't recognized us
    But anyway, we followed him to get a last glimpse at him and take a few more pics. He had to take off his vest at security and his back looked soo yummy. Not anything near fat or anything alike. Just normal, a tall and nicely defined body.

    WHAT A MAN!!!

    On our way back, Shari got all nuts: for a full 75 seconds she yelled at me, threatened me and cursed! I have that on camera, though that was shari's and not mine!

    To cut a long story short: It happened all very fast but shari is happy and that's what's most important! Went was very polite and friendly, as usual, but a bit off-handed! I don’t know how he smells, but his skin felt awesome!

  15. *LaCri*

    User deleted

    Con i capelli un po' lunghetti come piace a me :*_*: :*_*: :*_*:
835 replies since 29/3/2008, 16:35   15532 views